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EF Ultimate Break

New Trip Drop

Project collaborators
Sarah Heingartner Art Director
Emma Lifvergren Copywriter
Emma Topp Social Producer
Arielle Mulgrew Head of Social Media
In April 2023, Ultimate Break launched over 25 new trips. This was the effort of dozens of people on all sides of Ultimate Break including teams in Switzerland and Boston. Our social team pitched a themed drink party in order to kickoff excitement on social channels and build engagment for the big announcement. The result was a series of six drinks to match a our most anticipated trips. We created and shot them in studio and filmed a TikTok for our 700K+ followers. The team and I brainstormed the look and names of each drink, sourced props, and styled each shot. 


The TikTok was released the morning of the new trip drop and and was watched over 320K times. Our final drinks were Midnights in Asia paired with our Japan and South Korea Getaway tour, Wanna Play Mermaids? with our Mexico and Belize: Tropical Adventure tour, Liquid Yodel for Highlights of Switzerland, Butterbeer for our new London and Dublin Escape tour, Wadi Rum Punch for Journey to Jordan, and, my personal favorite, Blue-Footed Bubbly for our Cruise Galápagos: Ecuador & the Islands tour.

To add even more of our Ultimate Break personality to the shoot, I created hand-lettered type to pair with each drink. These were shared on an Instagram story, linking back to the original video and our page.


Kateri Gemperlein-Schirm © 2024